Ice Ice Beta

Ice Climbing in Cogne, Italy with Matthias Scherer

Episode Summary

Cogne is known as one of the ice epicenters in Europe with over 400 ice climbs and many more mixed and dry-tooling lines. Hear from Matthias Scherer, a sponsored athlete who has been lucky to have called the area home for the past 20 years, as he talks all things ice climbing.

Episode Notes

Cogne is known as one of the ice epicenters in Europe. Located near the base of the Gran Paradiso, the only 4,000 meter peak in Italy, the Cogne Valley boasts over 400 ice climbs and many more mixed and dry-tooling lines. Consistency and accessibility are the name of the game: The microclimate and terrain means ice is reliable year-in-year-out and you can often start your approach to climbs right from your front door.

Matthias Scherer is lucky to have called the area home for the past 20 years... 


Resources and links:

Matthias has climbed over 1,000 frozen waterfalls, and you can see his top 100 list here. To follow along with his adventures, check him out on Instagram @matthiasscherer.

Want to join for the Cogne Ice Opening? It runs from December 14-17 and you find find all the details on their website:

Find the rest of the notes, timestamps, resources, and more on the episode page.



Episode cover photo provided by Matthias.

Intro music by Hannah Noelle Enomoto (thanks, sis!).



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