Ice Ice Beta

Meet the Maker: Deed Ziegler of RecPak (Mini Episode)

Episode Summary

Deed Ziegler is the Founder of RecPak, which make 700 calorie, ultralight and ultra-packable meal replacement drinks that I think are perfect for sipping at the belay.

Episode Notes

Introducing the Meet the Maker series. 

Each day this week we’ll be releasing a mini episode with an entrepreneur who is making specialty gear for ice climbers.

🎙Today we chat with Deed Ziegler, Founder of RecPak. I’m excited for these because I think ice climbers will really like them – RecPaks are 700 calorie, ultralight and ultra-packable meal replacement drinks that I think are perfect for sipping at the belay (you can fill them with hot water).

Deed was inspired to make the product after a military tour overseas. He wanted something that was consumable on the move, designed for high energy output, and was a complete meal with proper macros and nutrients. They’ve since been used in environments as wide-ranging as emergency response and combat zones, to high-altitude mountaineering, long treks in the desert, and ultra races. 

Deed also has a great radio voice, which you can hear in today’s episode.


🎁 Discount code! Deed is generously offering a 25% discount so you can try RecPak this season. For details, check out Deed's episode post on our Instagram page.